2016 Stamford Amateur Tee Times

If you’re playing this weekend, here are your tee times. Good luck to everyone participating.

Tee Time Tee Time Tee Time
Aberle, Thomas 10 7:19 Mazzola, Alexander 10 7:10 Simms, Stephen 10 8:04
Aittola, Timo 1 8:22 Mccabe, Declan 1 7:28 Stern, Shaun 1 7:55
Arias, George 10 7:37 McGrath, Michael 10 8:58 Studer, Kurt 10 8:22
Arnold, Garrett 1 7:10 McGrath, Pat 1 8:49 Studer, Mark W 1 7:37
Bardsley, Sydney 1 8:31 Mcgreen, Kevin 10 8:40 Stunkel, Brian 10 8:04
Batton, George 1 7:46 Mcgroarty, John 10 8:13 Szemenyei, Peter 10 7:19
Beddington, Kevin 10 8:22 McMonagle, Cahal 1 7:46 Tedesco, Anthony C 1 7:28
Behan, Kevin 10 7:28 Meditz, Howard 10 8:40 Tiscia, Michael 10 7:19
Birkett, Thomas 10 7:28 Molina, Paul 10 7:10 Troy, John 10 8:04
Bleile, Eric 1 8:04 Morano, Bill 10 8:04 Tyska, Rob 1 8:13
Brewster, Hugh 10 7:55 Morley, Melissa 1 8:40 Valenti, Justin 10 7:46
Brown, Scott D 10 8:31 Mulay, Shantanu A 10 8:49 Varga, Mr. Al 1 7:37
Chagaris, Jeanette 1 8:31 Ninan, Jacob 10 8:13 Vassalotti, Mark 1 8:13
Chang, Kevin 10 8:58 Nizzardo, Cody 10 7:37 Vitti, Ralph III 1 7:46
Clark, Sharon 1 8:49 Paladino, Joseph 10 8:49 Watson, Brandon 1 8:58
Collins, Jim 1 8:58 Palladino, Robert 1 7:55 Wells, Ryan 1 7:37
Colucci, Robert 1 7:19 Parappallil, Joji 10 8:13 Wells, Skip 10 7:55
Dardis, Keith 1 7:19 Payne, John 10 8:13 Whetsell, Robert 1 8:13
Defelice, Victor J 10 8:31 Pedon, Dean 10 7:37 Whitney, John C 1 8:22
Dellalo, Laura 1 8:40 Petrovcik, Ann Marie 1 8:49 Yaeger, James F 1 8:22
Dermer, Richard 1 8:13 Polidoro, Mr. Christopher 10 8:22
Dillon, Patrick 10 7:55 Rathman, Peter 1 8:58
Duggan, William 10 7:10 Rhodes, Terry 10 8:31
Eriksen, Gunnar 1 7:37 Robb, Tim 1 8:04
Fjelldal, George 10 7:19 Rocco, Jacob 10 7:55
Helmbilt, Troy 10 8:49 Rocco, Wade 10 8:58
Hochstedler, Shelton 10 8:49 Romaniello, James 1 7:10
Hoffman, Jonathan 1 8:04 Rossi, Brian 1 8:22
Iamkrasin, Patana 1 8:49 Ruberg, Matt 10 7:28
Jaworoski, Jason 1 7:19 Russo, Eileen 1 8:40
Kaplan, Jennifer 1 8:31 Russo, Jamie 1 7:46
Kaplowitz, David 10 7:37 Russo, Ron 1 7:55
Kaplowitz, Jordan 10 8:40 Salek, Charles 10 8:22
Kent, Richard 1 8:58 Schultz, Marc 10 7:10
Labbadia, Joe 10 7:46 Sherwood, Bob 10 8:58
Lambrinakos, Chris 1 8:04 Siebert, Mark 10 8:40
Macmaster, Alasdair 1 7:55 Siebert, Tina 1 8:31
Mandel, Joshua 10 7:46 Silvagni, Fabio 1 7:10
Marifke, Jerry 1 7:28 Silvagni, Ricardo 10 7:28
Mazer, Seizo 10 7:46 Simbaqueba, Jose 10 8:31

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