Board Meeting Notes – 3/12/24

Members in attendance:

Joe McHugh, Dave Persaud, Jack McGroarty, Mitch Schepps, Bart Weissman, Chris Terzian, Greg Collins, John McGroarty, Tristan Chang, Matt Stendardi, Jim Romaniello, Bob Fogel, Seizo Mazer, Bekim Ukperaj, Howard Kraus, Bill Ward, Jonathan Arist, Andrew Snyder, Joe Sargis, Joe Paladino

Not in attendance: Pete Silver

  1. Members to date 2024 
    1. 226 – up 20% YoY at this juncture (now at 271)
    2. 407 would be the break even number
    3. E-Mail to new members w/ important information about being a member of the club and how best to participate in events
    4. The Forum – on all emails – need increase in usage, in limited use cases it’s been effective
  2. Scholarship Fund/Advertising
    1. $2429 to date with 34% of members contributing
    2. Tournament – Need to revisit as high risk to not having participation as its a weekly event in last week of August when people may be away on vacation
  3. Advertising on Golf Genius changes…Holiday Inn Express New Rochelle replaces Port Chester Beer, Add Paychex as a new sponsor 
  4. SFMC will have advertising on Hole 16
  5. Scholarship committee to look into advertising the scholarship program in Westhill HS yearbook (Matt Stendardi to follow up)…already advertising with Stamford HS yearbook…will use social media advertising budget to pay for yearbook ads
  1. Temps/Course Play
    1. Hole 3 – End of May Opening – will be only temp in play for start of MC season
    2. Hole 13/14 Dredge – end March completion
    3. Matches and Season Play – enter par plus any strokes given due to handicap for Hole 3 and for Match Play we take it out of the match completely for a 17 hole Match
    4. Winter Rules until further notice
    5. Local Bunker Rule continues 
    6. Aeration – 1st week April 
    7. Rate Increase – was to be April, but now at completion of construction per Bek
      1. $5 across board for non-res
      2. $2 weekday. $5 weekends for res? – have to confirm 
  2. Social Event(s)
    1. Event in May – MGA rules seminar to act as a member social (John McGroarty & Howard Kraus to follow up on)
    2. Social Event for newcomers with potential mini-game involved?
    3. Divot Filling —> full course maintenance (traps, green “dots”, etc) – Pizza and Beer
  3. GolfGenius/Scheduling
    1. Dave was putting final touches on G.G. schedule and will get some of the additional Admins joining credentialed 
    2. May 5 Opening Event – Bart to follow up on greens fees & catering
    3. Gov Cup – 4 weeks for each round – ZERO tolerance policy, make rain dates in advance 
  4. First Tee/Donations
    1. Chris T contacting them – potential to combine this with a Social/MGA/etc event for one day drop off
  5. Bulletin Board outside Pro Shop
    1. Board Pictures again so members (new especially) have face/name for where to go for help
  6. QR Codes for sign-up with “Why Join?”, rotating member feature.
    1. Note Joe McHugh has placed ads in range and on bulletin board with a QR code feature to allow for quick access to membership 

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