April 14 – April 16: Stroke Play

+ to 10 Handicap Flight A
Gross Gross Net Net
Finish Name Score Finish Name Score
1st Mike Szemenyei 72 1st Jeff Mayfield 71
2nd Jason Denker 75 2nd Andre Sieh 73
3rd Jerry Marifke 80 3rd Pete Perimenis 75
4th 4th Brian Rossi 75
5th 5th Mike Krahn 76
11 to 16
Gross Gross Net Net
Finish Name Score Finish Name Score
1st Skip Wells 81 1st Kurt Studer 71
2nd Mitch Schepps 85 2nd Brian Stunkel 72
3rd Tom Aberle 86 3rd Bill Acker 73
4th Steve Simms 88 4th Joji Parappallil 77
5th John Masi 88 5th Jim Spiller 77
6th Shaun Malloy 78
7th Jeff Bankson 79
Gross Gross Net Net
Finish Name Score Finish Name Score
1st Max Kolbrenner 91 1st Peter Rathman 72
2nd Bill Kreussling 94 2nd David Mooskowitz 73
3rd Terry Rhodes 94 3rd Shantanu Mulay 76
4th Carl Tooker 94 4th Paul Larson 76
5th Howard Dubman 95 5th Dave Oberhand 76
6th Shelton Hochstedler 77
7th Kevin Fahey 78


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