SFMC Board of Governors

August 2024

Date/Time/Location: Wednesday, August 21st Board Room; 7PM


In Attendance:

Joe McHugh, Bart Weissman, Dave Persaud, Mitch Schepps, Tristan Chang, Jim Romaniello, Howard Kraus, Greg Collins, Jonathan Arist, Seizo Mazer, Jack McGroarty, Joe Paladino, Bob, Fogel, Matt Stendardi, Pete Silver



Joe Sargis, Bill Ward, Bekim Ukperaj, Chris Terzian, John McGroarty, Andrew Snyder


Meeting Started Promptly at 7PM – Ended at 8:03PM


  1. State of Club (Joe M)
    1. Membership Update
      1. 402 (down -5% vs. yago)
    2. YTD Revenue & Expenses
      1. Projected shortfall $2,400
        1. Shoreline $0K
        2. Member Member $2,000
        3. Membership $400
      2. Paying out prizes to top third (33%) of field for weekly events (if light field etc) – offset cost
  2. Tournament Updates
    1. Pace of Play Update (Bekim)
      1. much better for Member Guest than Mem-Mem
      2. Some issues with Interclub and some players were defiant toward staff
    2. Course Conditions in wake of Sunday’s Extreme Weather
      1. Board assessed and deemed not necessary
    3. Member Guest Feedback
      1. feedback overwhelmingly positive
      2. Just under 5 hours pace
      3. Course setup worked well
    4. Shoreline
      1. Tee Signs
        1. 34 signs with 21 paid for
        2. 11 of 21 board members have sold signs
        3. Logos must be sent by Sept 4!
      2. Potentially will need volunteers for help day of as pro shop will be short staffed
      3. still have outstanding reg payments from Smith Richardson, Hubbard Heights
        1. Aisling Memorial & Oak Hills paid
      4. P&L is close to breakeven
      5. 5 teams (Fairchild Wheeler out)
    5. Interclub
      1. 10-4 lead…need 4.5 points to win back the trophy
      2. Finals rescheduled to Sunday Sept 29th 
    6. Senior CC / Club Championships
      1. Final tee times are assigned for 10:30AM on Sunday 8/25
      2. Post event Bek feels its appropriate to continue the event with finals played at the 10:30AM hour for future events
    7. Closing Event
      1. To be held Saturday, September 28th 
      2. Format – two man scramble front nine / modified alternate shot back nine
  3. Scholarship 
    1. $9,950 in donations for 2024
    2. $7,950 carried into 2025
    3. Bart working on communication on how to donate ongoing
    4. Dave working on a Pay Pal option to collect donations
    5. Jimmy working on the legacy donation program
  4. Community Service 
    1. Divot Filling tentatively scheduled for Wednesday 9/11
  5. Other
    1. September Meeting / BBQ 9/10 at 6pm at Jimmy Romaniello’s house
    2. Greg Collins discussed and took the board through the new Handicap Review feature within our GHIN site

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