January 2015 Minutes

Attending: Jeff Mayfield, Steve Carriero, Joe Sargis, Stuart Bufferd, Frank Rubino, Mitchell Schepps, Bob Morris, Pete Silver, Howard Kraus, John McGroarty, JR, Marc Schultz, Bart Weissman, Seizo Mazer, Howard Meditz & Chris Pulaski

Absent: Billy Lombardo, Tom Aberle, Jimmy Romaniello & Steve Scorziello

Meeting called to order @ 7:30pm

Joe Sargis reviewed the final budget figures from 2014 and the club came away with a small profit mainly from great participation in the major events. He submitted his 2015 proposed budget and it was voted in.

Frank Rubino presented the Board with a preliminary event calendar for 2015 and the board discussed stretching out the Governor’s Cup rounds so that it would be easier to complete matches and to not have it conflict with the Club Championship matches. The event calendar is now being finalized and will be released soon.

NOTE: Please remember to post your scores into the computer by midnight Tuesday. If your score from the weekend is not in by the deadline you are subject to being DQ’d.

Bob Morris proposes having a Men’s Club Putting Contest in order to generate some more funds for the Men’s Club. The idea was well received and we will have more discussions as to when to hold the event.

Howard Meditz our Rules Guru will have a section on the Men’s Club website to answer questions on rule interpretations that might come up. Once the section is up and running we will announce it. Rules questions during a match that needs clarification should still be addressed by the staff in the Pro Shop.

Group discussion of doing away with separate White Tee event and instead developing a formula which will allow people to compete in the weekend event from either blue or white tees.

Meeting adjourned @ 8:45pm

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We have updated our local rules!

These updated rules should help you make decisions more quickly and accurately…and should cover just about any situation that comes up on Sterling Farms. Please ...