Join us @ our Sterling Farms Men’s Club rules seminar!

Our Rules Chairman, Howie Meditz, has created a seminar on the Rules of Golf which will emphasize the particular rules challenges we experience playing at Sterling Farms. As a Men’s Club member, you are invited to attend free of charge. It’s being held on Tuesday evening, August 11th at 7:30 PM.

I’d like to get an idea of how many people will be coming, so please reply to this email in the next few days if you think you’d like to attend. I’ll send out a reminder email a week before the seminar telling everyone where we’ll meet depending on the size of the crowd.

Here is the agenda:

Rules of Golf Discussion – emphasis on Sterling Farms situations

1. Tee shot left on #2, is your ball in the Lateral Water Hazard or OB?
2. Tee shot against fence on left of #3, surprising unplayable ball drop challenges.
3. Tee shot in pond in front of #4 tee, do you know the five drop options?
4. Tee shot near barn on #10, different drop options for two different Immovable Obstructions.
5. Tee shot in Lateral Water Hazard left on #12, left handed players vs. right handed players.
6. Know the difference between illegal “advice” and a legal exchange of information?
7. Resolving rules disagreement – match play vs. stroke play.
8. Sterling Farms Local Rules review (Distance measuring devices, Embedded Ball, Stones in Bunkers, Dropping Zones, Internal OB stakes).
9. How to learn more about the Rules of Golf.
10. Any questions you may have on your mind.

Please send an email to with a simple “I’m interested in the rules seminar” in the subject if you’d like to attend.

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