SFMC Board of Governors

July 9, 2024

Place/Time: Sterling Farms Board Room: 7pm Start / 8pm Finish


In attendance: Joe McHugh, Jack McGroarty, John McGroarty, Pete Silver, Greg Collins, Bekim Ukperaj, Chris Terzian, Bill Ward, Tristan Chang, Joe Paladino, Joe Sargis, Bob Fogel, Seizo Mazer, Howard Kraus, Matt Stendardi, Andrew Snyder, Jonathan Arist, Jim Romaniello, Bart Weissman, Dave Persaud

Note in Attendance: Joe Sargis, Mitchell Schepps

  1. State of Club 
    1. Membership Update
      1. 399 (down -5.7% vs. yago)
    2. YTD Revenue & Expenses
      1. Projected shortfall $2,800
  2. Tournament Updates
    1. Pace of Play Feedback
      1. New policy on escalations coming from SGA
      2. SFMC will enforce & take action when necessary
      3. Email sent to membership on 7/15
    2. Member Guest
      1. Event will be played from blue tees and an email has been sent to Mike Golden asking for the course to be setup fairly and with pace of play in mind (par 3 tees moved up / #11 moved down, etc)
      2. Raffle volunteers
        1. Joe Paladino
        2. Tristan Chang
        3. Pete Silver
        4. Dave Persaud
        5. Chris Terzian
        6. Greg Collins
    3. Shoreline
      1. Tee Signs
        1. 32 signs with 10 paid for
        2. 11 board members have sold signs with Joe Paladino being top seller
        3. Need at least 4 more signs & more board members to step up
    4. President Cup / VP Cup Finals 7/14
      1. Need to move to Saturday in 2025 to not conflict with HH MG
    5. Interclub
      1. 56 signups (record)
      2. Will have tee times starting at 8:30AM on Saturday 8/17
  3. Scholarship 
    1. $9,379 in donations / 27% of membership donating / $10 most common donation
    2. 4 Applications
    3. Committee approves scholarships to:
      1. Jack LaFeve
      2. Jared Tedesco
  4. Community Service 
    1. Divot Filling held on 7/10 @6pm – Matt Stendardi
    2. Over 20 people attended the event
  5. Other
    1. 16th hole advertising
    2. August Meeting / BBQ
      1. August meeting moved to 8/21
      2. BBQ will be held 9/10

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2015 Governor’s Cup Pairings

Attached is a PDF of the 2015 Governor’s Cup pairings. Please note the required dates for playing each match. Governor’s Cup Pairings PDF