July 24 – July 26: Stroke Play

+ to 10 Handicap Flight A
Gross Gross Net Net
Finish Name Score Finish Name Score
1st Frank Rubino 77 1st Bill Duggan 71
2nd Bart Weissman 79 2nd Pete Perimenis 71
3rd Jamie Russo 80 3rd Alex Lionetti 73
4th Mark Larobina 81 4th Kevin Corbo 74
5th Marc Schultz 82 5th Andre Sieh 75
6th Phil Emmens 76
7th Drew Humphrey 76
11 to 16
Gross Gross Net Net
Finish Name Score Finish Name Score
1st Bob Burlin 80 1st Ben Moskowitz 64
2nd Pat Francis 81 2nd Rich Giordano 68
3rd John Palmer 83 3rd Pete Silver 69
4th Bob Nieto 84 4th Bob Kolenberg 70
5th John Masi 84 5th Jim Spiller 72
6th Jacob Rocco 73
7th Jojo Parapallil 73
Gross Gross Net Net
Finish Name Score Finish Name Score
1st Carl Tooker 87 1st Justin Beal 66
2nd Bill Acker 87 2nd Shaun Malloy 69
3rd Howard Dubman 90 3rd Terry Rhodes 70
4th Bill Kreussling 93 4th Ben Bauer 71
5th Ralph D’Agostino 94 5th Claude Berstein 72
6th Steve Rossi 73
7th Chris Tensen 74

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April 17-19 Results

4/17-4/19 Stroke Play + to 10 Handicap Flight A Gross Gross Net Net Finish Name Score Finish Name Score 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd TEE ...