SFMC Board of Governors

November 2024

Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, November 12th Board Room; 7PM


In Attendance:

Joe McHugh, Bart Weissman, Tristan Chang, Jonathan Arist, Joe Paladino, Matt Stendardi, Pete Silver, Bekim Ukperaj, Bill Ward, Chris Terzian, Andrew Snyder, Dave Persaud, Mitch Schepps, Seizo Mazer, Jack McGroarty, Jim Romaniello, Bob Fogel


Joe Sargis, John McGroarty, Howard Kraus, Greg Collins


Meeting Started at 7:01PM – Ended at 8:13PM

  1. State of Club
    1. YTD Revenue & Expenses (Pete & Joe)
      1. Projected Loss – $322 – “positive outlook with added expenditures”
    2. Scholarship
      1. $8,296 remains from collections in 2024 ($2,000 given in scholarships)
      2. Giving Tuesday – after Thanksgiving (Dec 3)…email to members day after Thanksgiving to donate toward Scholarship
  2. Budget & location for Holiday Party
    1. $550 budget
    2. Howard to organize
    3. Ideally Hope Pizza on Tuesday December 10th (in lieu of Dec board meeting)
  3. Website
    1. Need chairmen to review website for updates to keep current
    2. Tristan to take over managing website
    3. Need to add Player of the Year and most recent data/notes
    4. Take down Discussion Forum and direct members to use GolfGenius forum
  4. Golf Genius
    1. allocating everything to Dave and Jack (not Joe)
    2. having a few board members know how to run tourneys
  5. Committees
    1. Tournament – Bart, Jack, Dave, Mitch
      1. Major Tourney – 2 or 3 people run different aspects
      2. Sign up sheets for SubCommittee (proximities, food, raffle, etc)
    2. Rules – need to revisit
    3. Handicap – need to revisit
    4. Scholarship
    5. Membership – need to revisit
    6. Community Service / Fundraising – Matt Stendardi, Jon Arist, Chris Terzian
  6. Bylaws
    1. Vote to Amend # of Board Members to Serve from 21 to 17 unanimously approved
    2. Bob Fogel and Joe Sargis retiring from board … will operate with 18 in 2025
  7. Trophy Engraving (Tristan)
  8. All Other Business
    1. Revisit the plaque size for Club Championship…one Board will all 52 years vs new board including last 10 years
    2. Handicap Revision to Sterling Farms
      1. MGA still to report on process
      2. SGA and MGA will have final approval and SMFC will adjust based on new ratings if course adopts new rating

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May 15-17 Results

BLIND 9 (3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18) + to 10 Handicap Flight A Gross Gross Net Net Finish Name Score Finish ...