SFMC Board of Governors

October 2024

Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, October 8th  Board Room; 7PM


In Attendance:

Joe McHugh, Bart Weissman, Tristan Chang, Howard Kraus, Greg Collins, Jonathan Arist, Joe Paladino, Matt Stendardi, Pete Silver, Bekim Ukperaj, John McGroarty



Joe Sargis, Bill Ward, Chris Terzian, Andrew Snyder, Dave Persaud, Mitch Schepps, Seizo Mazer, Jack McGroarty, Jim Romaniello, Bob Fogel


Meeting Started at 7:03PM – Ended at 8:33PM


  1. State of Club 
    1. YTD Revenue & Expenses
      1. Projected shortfall of ($1700)
      2. Pete will investigate if additional membership funds are buried in the Stripe account
      3. Scholarship Fund has $8,375 going into 2025 for future scholarships
      4. Pete to investigate expanding club funds into a short term CD at year end
    2. Golf Genius 2025 Pricing
      1. Expected to increase +$200 to $3,900
    3. Scholarship Legacy Program
      1. Was not discussed
  2. Tournament Updates / Golf Course
    1. Player of Year 
      1. Only 7 players…club will pay for 8 tee times still … Bart to seek a fill in from the board to act as a spotter
    2. Silly Season
      1. Two Man Shamble
        1. Agreed to extend into a 2 weekend tournament
      2. Greens Keeper Revenge
        1. Confirmed with Bek for Saturday, October 26th
        2. Anticipated set up to be difficult pins
        3. Mike Golden to play with Bart, Joe, & Matt @9:30AM 
      3. 3 Club
        1. Confirmed for Sunday, November 3rd
        2. Club will get a block of times starting at 9:30AM for teams to go off both the front and back at same time
    3. Updated MGA Rating of Sterling
      1. Bek to ask MGA if they would be open to seeing our course playing stats from Golf Genius
  3. 2025 Board of Governors
    1. Identify governors who will step down at EOY
      1. Those in attendance have agreed to stay on through 2025
      2. Joe to review attendance records for 2024 and identify governors who are not in compliance with By Law Article 3; Section 2 (5 absences)
    2. 2025 Officer & Chairman Roles
      1. For those officers & chairmen in attendance (or who have previously communicated to the President) all agreed to remain in role through 2025
        1. President – Joe
        2. 1st VP – Mitch?
        3. 2nd VP – Dave
        4. Treasurer – Pete
        5. Secretary – Jack?
        6. Membership – Howard
        7. Rules – John
        8. Handicap – Greg
        9. Tournament – Bart
    3. Committees
      1. Tournament
      2. Finance
      3. Rules + Handicap – Agreed to combine Rules & Handicap into one committee led by John McGroarty & Greg Collins
      4. Membership
      5. Community Service Agreed to rename PR Committee and house both community service & sponsorships … led by Matt Stendardi, Joe Paladino, and Jonathan Arist
      6. Scholarship
  4. Holiday Party
    1. Confirmed for December 10th @ Hope Street Pizza
    2. Howard Kraus to organize
  5. Other Items
    1. Trophies
      1. Tristan Chang to lead the engraving of all club trophies
      2. Will leverage the Troy’s business
      3. Need to purchase new Club Championship plaque and will use club funds
      4. Interclub trophy needs to be engraved and include Hubbard Heights name for 2023…Joe to bill Bobby Judge
    2. Proposal to Amend Club By-Law Article 3, Section 1 (Organization)
      1. Matt Stendardi called a motion to amend By-law Article 3, Section 1 (Organization) that would reduce the number of board members from the current number of 21…said motion was agreed to move forward to vote by all in attendance
      2. Per Article 7, Section 1 – Procedure…this amendment proposal will be presented to and voted on at the November board meeting

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