Weekend Results: 9/20/19 – 9/22/19 (Stroke Play)

+ to 11 Handicap Flight A      
Gross Gross Net Net
FinishNameScore FinishNameScore
1stCahal McMonagle74 1stRoger Haggerty70
2ndTed Blackinton77 2ndPeter Perimenis70
3rdJamie Russo77 3rdAndre Sieh70
4thBrian Rossi81 4thJeff Mayfield72
5thSeth Burston82 5thSeizo Mazer73
    6thJohn Masi74
    7thSkip Wells75
12 to 16      
Gross Gross Net Net
FinishNameScore FinishNameScore
1st Ben Moskowitz81 1stJonathan Papp67
2ndChris Velander82 2ndBob Fogel68
3rdTony Carlucci83 3rdArt D’Estrada68
4thDoug Jamieson86 4thHoward Kraus70
5thJustin Beal89 5thPaul Spingola76
    6thRon Spitzberg76
    7thSteve Simms79
Gross Gross Net Net
FinishNameScore FinishNameScore
1stTim Dausch81 1stBill Ward63
2ndEd Levene87 2ndDavid Vandyke68
3rdSalmon Mukhtar92 3rdMike Cacace69
4thPete Silver92 4thSteve Rossi71
5thRalph Dagostino92 5thRich Giordano71
    6thCarl Tooker73
    7thDaniele Pozzi73

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